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  • Writer's pictureEileen Shea

UNcomfortable Christianity

It's true ya know, Christianity is not an "easy" religion. When God opens the door and lets us in, He omits to tell us that we will need to "die daily". That we will be required to pick up our cross, as He did, every day. Wait! I thought He carried the cross on our behalf... I didn't sign up to carry a cross! The preacher told me that Jesus took all of that on my behalf. I only heard half of the gospel story. I didn't know there were requirements... After all, salvation is FREE!

I discovered after my honeymoon phase with Jesus that there was another deeper level of commitment in following. I discovered that to be "like Him" means I need to forgive the unforgiveable; die to my sinful desires; take the humble road; give my last bit to my neighbor; and be nice to those whom I dislike.

Following Jesus is complex. I mean, wars are won and lost over religion, right? The very place where we find "level" ground. What if? What if we all find ourselves at the foot of the cross, on level ground, what will we do? Will we declare war? Will we argue about theology? Will we accuse one another, judge, and misuse one another? OR

Will we look at His feet? Those beautiful feet, the ones which are bloodied and nailed to rugged wood so that we don't have to be. Will we look at His unrecognizable face and see His gorgeous eyes of compassion piercing through our souls... desiring our love and hearts of worship... saying to all of us "Father forgive them for they know not what they do".

Will we accept the invitation to look upon Him whom we have pierced and crushed? Will we cry out to Him for His forgiveness and mercy?

War is unbecoming of a bride. Make me UNcomfortable Jesus! Find me following you, Holy Jesus, as I sit on the hill desperately looking up to You. It's a hill you chose to die on - so will I.

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